While we live here my employment opportunities are limited. Although I have data to crunch and publish, a big garden to take care of, boxes to unpack, and lots of other house-y things to do, lately I find myself 'goin' tharn' when I raise my eyes above the computer monitor or view finder. I've failed to conjure my inner Martha Stewart for more than an afternoon at a time and even my inner Alice Waters is unusually quiet.
Then it came to me: I'm most happy when actively engaged with caring people doing something that is intellectually challenging, fun, and makes a difference in the world. For almost 20 years, working as research scientist in an academic environment fulfilled most of that for me. Now I'm an over-educated female interloper in a tight-knit, conservative, agriculture and oil & gas dominated small city...so what's a girl to do?
Yep, volunteer to help someone else. In this case, it's something else; here's what's keeping me connected, challenged, and busy these days:
The new 'work' site;
part of the office, July 2011 |
Some of the residents at my new gig;
Black-necked Stilts and American Avocets |
Checkered Whiptail Lizard |
Why did the Scaled Quail cross the road? |
Western Meadowlark |
Maybe s/he didn't like the view on the other side. |
You might have guessed already;
the new 'boss' |
There's an
entire system of these across the US; I feel lucky to have been accepted to be a volunteer at one nearby. Already I've helped net and band birds, recorded for the bi-weekly bird count, and met some incredibly thoughtful, bright and enthusiastic folks. Talk about a learning curve... until a few days ago I didn't know a
stilt from a
plover or a
Western Kingbird from a
Brown-headed Cowbird. Five more days to the next banding; six before the next count: I better hit the books (
Peterson's Western Birds for now; maybe there's a
Sibley in my future).
That's right: caring people, an intellectual challenge, fun, and it
does make a difference. I am happier, now if only those boxes would unpack themselves...
(No, I didn't get that academic administrative position that had me in a transdisciplinary cloud. Thanks for asking, though.)
Great bird shots, so fun and colorful.